Fitting a Fermi distribution to a quantum dot addition line

A quantum dot addition line shows the energy boundary for adding a new electron from a reservoir into the quantum dot system. A 1D trace measurement across the addition line can be used to extract the electron temperature of the reservoir, by fitting a Fermi distribution to the signal. Note that an accurate electron temperature measurement requires accurate gate-to-dot lever arms (this example shows how to obtain them), and negligible lifetime broadening (i.e. low dot-reservoir coupling compared to temperature).

This example uses the core function fitFermiLinear from qtt.algorithms.fitting.

import os
import numpy as np
import scipy

import qcodes
from qcodes.plots.qcmatplotlib import MatPlot
from import DataArray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import qtt
from qtt.algorithms.fitting import FermiLinear, fitFermiLinear
from import load_example_dataset

Load and plot a sample dataset of a 1D trace across an quantum dot addition line

dataset = load_example_dataset('addition_line_scan')

Fit Fermi function to data

y_array = dataset.default_parameter_array()
setarray = y_array.set_arrays[0]
xdata = np.array(setarray)
ydata = np.array(y_array)
kb = scipy.constants.physical_constants['Boltzmann constant in eV/K'][0]*1e6  # [ueV/K]
la = 100 # [ueV/mV] gate-to-dot lever arm

# fit
pp = fitFermiLinear(xdata, ydata, lever_arm=la/kb, verbose=1, fig=None)
fitted_parameters = pp[0]
initial_parameters = pp[1]['initial_parameters']

y0 = FermiLinear(xdata, *list(initial_parameters))
y = FermiLinear(xdata, *list(fitted_parameters))

print('Estimated electron temperature: %.1f mK' % (1e3 * fitted_parameters[4]))
Estimated electron temperature: 253.9 mK

Plot the fit to check the accuracy

p = MatPlot(dataset.default_parameter_array())
v0 = DataArray(name='initial', label='initial guess', preset_data=y0,  set_arrays=(setarray,))
p.add(v0, alpha=.2, label='initial guess')
v = DataArray(name='fitted', label='fitted curve', preset_data=y,  set_arrays=(setarray,))
p.add(v, label='fitted curve')
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