Compensation for a non-linear charge sensor

We analyse the effect of a non-linear sensing dot on the value for the tunnel coupling obtained from the fitting of an inter-dot transition line. The sensing dot shape is simulated based on a Gaussian, while the data of the inter-dot transition is experimental data.

First we load all necessary packages

import os
import qcodes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy

from import HDF5Format

import qtt
import qtt.pgeometry
from import load_example_dataset
from qtt.algorithms.functions import gaussian
from qtt.algorithms.tunneling import polmod_all_2slopes, fit_pol_all
from qtt.algorithms.chargesensor import DataLinearizer, correctChargeSensor
%matplotlib inline

np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3)
def show_pol_fit(delta, signal, par_fit, fig=1):
    """ Show data of a polarization fit """
    plt.plot(delta, signal, 'bo')
    plt.plot(delta, polmod_all_2slopes(delta, par_fit, kT), 'r')
    plt.title('Tunnel coupling: %.2f (ueV) = %.2f (GHz)' %
              (par_fit[0], par_fit[0] / h))
    plt.xlabel('Difference in chemical potentials (ueV)')
    _ = plt.ylabel('Signal (a.u.)')

Define physical constants and parameters

h = 1e9*scipy.constants.h/(1e-6*scipy.constants.elementary_charge)  # Planck's constant in units [ueV/GHz]
kb = scipy.constants.k/(1e-6*scipy.constants.elementary_charge)  # [ueV/K], Boltzmann constant
kT = 10e-3 * kb  # effective electron temperature in ueV

Load example dataset and define signal of charge sensor

dataset = load_example_dataset('polarization_line')

signal = np.array(dataset.default_parameter_array('signal'))
delta = np.array(dataset.default_parameter_array('signal').set_arrays[0])

# Define signal of the sensing dot
xs = np.arange(-600, 0, 3.)
ys = gaussian(xs, -300, std=70, amplitude=510, offset=2)
ys = gaussian(xs, -300, std=70, amplitude=510, offset=20)

Find range of sensing dot used

The correction to the non-linearity of the charge sensor is done by fitting a linear function in the region of interest.

dl, results = correctChargeSensor(delta, signal, xs, ys, fig=100)
plt.plot(xs, ys, '.b', label='raw data of charge sensor')
plt.title('Data of charge sensor', fontsize=16)
_ = plt.xlabel('Plunger [mV]')
_ = plt.ylabel('Signal (a.u.)')
fitCoulombPeaks: peak 0: position -300.00 max 530.00 valid 1
filterPeaks: 1 -> 1 good peaks
peakScores: noise factor 1.00
peakScores: 0: height 268.3 halfwidth 27.0, score 144.87

Determine the corrected data points

xsignal = dl.backward_curve(signal)
signal_corrected = dl.forward(xsignal)  # make sure data is in similar range

Fit the polarization line

The effect of the non-linear charge sensor is a 5% error in the estimated tunnel coupling.

par_fit,_ , _ = fit_pol_all(delta, signal, kT, par_guess=None)
show_pol_fit(delta, signal, par_fit, fig=1)

par_fit_corrected, _, _ = fit_pol_all(delta, signal_corrected, kT)
show_pol_fit(delta, signal_corrected, par_fit_corrected, fig=2)

print('tunnel coupling: %.1f [GHz]' % (par_fit[0] / h))
print('tunnel coupling with compensation: %.1f [GHz]' % (par_fit_corrected[0] / h))
tunnel coupling: 4.9 [GHz]
tunnel coupling with compensation: 5.2 [GHz]
print('### fitted parameters ###')
### fitted parameters ###
[ 20.16    1.969  99.64   -0.505  -0.442 300.373]
[ 21.38   -1.59  112.843  -0.558  -0.406 280.184]
[ ]: