qtt.measurements.acquisition.interfaces package


qtt.measurements.acquisition.interfaces.acquisition_interface module

Interface for devices to acquire data.

class qtt.measurements.acquisition.interfaces.acquisition_interface.AcquisitionInterface(address: str)[source]

Bases: ABC

An interface which contains the functionality for collecting data using a acquisition device.

abstract acquire(number_of_averages: int, timeout: float = 30) List[DataArray][source]

Reads raw-data from the acquisition device.

This method should be called after initialising and starting the acquisition.

  • number_of_averages – The number of averages taken during acquiring.

  • timeout – The maximum period in seconds to acquire records.


A list with the collected scope records.

abstract initialize(configuration: PythonJsonStructure) None[source]

Initializes the readout device by applying the configuration.


configuration – A structure with all default settings needed for acquiring raw-data from the readout device.

abstract start_acquisition() None[source]

Starts the acquisition readout mode.

This method should be called after initializing the acquisition device and before reading out the device with acquire.

abstract stop_acquisition() None[source]

Stops the acquisition readout mode.

This function should be called after acquiring with the readout device.

qtt.measurements.acquisition.interfaces.acquisition_scope_interface module

Interface for oscilloscopes or equivalent devices to acquire data.

class qtt.measurements.acquisition.interfaces.acquisition_scope_interface.AcquisitionScopeInterface(address: str)[source]

Bases: AcquisitionInterface, ABC

An interface which contains the functionality for a acquisition device as a oscilloscope.

abstract property enabled_channels: Tuple[int, ...]

Reports the enabled input channels.

abstract property input_range: Tuple[float, float]

The input range of the channels.

abstract property number_of_samples: int

The number of samples to take during a acquisition.

abstract property period: float

The measuring period of the acquisition.

abstract property sample_rate: float

The sample rate of the acquisition device.

abstract set_input_signal(channel: int, attribute: str | None) None[source]

Adds an input channel to the scope.

  • channel – The input channel number.

  • attribute – The input signal to acquire.

abstract property trigger_channel: str

The input signal to trigger the acquisition on.

abstract property trigger_delay: float

The delay between getting a trigger and acquiring in seconds.

abstract property trigger_enabled: bool

The setter sets the external triggering on or off. The getter returns the current trigger value.

abstract property trigger_level: float

The trigger-level of the trigger in Volts.

abstract property trigger_slope: str

The edge of the trigger signal to trigger on.