Example MongoDB storage interface

With the storage interface we can store documents into a database.

import qilib.utils.storage

    storage = qilib.utils.storage.StorageMongoDb('testdb', connection_timeout=.5)
except qilib.utils.storage.mongo.ConnectionTimeoutError:
    # when no MongoDB is running, we use StorageMemory as an example
    storage = qilib.utils.storage.StorageMemory('testdb')

storage.save_data({'string': 'hello', 'float': 1.7}, ['stored_document'])
storage.save_data('hello alice', ['list', 'subdocument1'])
storage.save_data('hello bob', ['list', 'subdocument2'])

The documents are stored in a tree-linke structure. We can list stored documents using list_data_subtags.

['stored_document', 'list']
['subdocument1', 'subdocument2']

A GUI for the database is MongoDB Compass. To search for documents in the database, enter a query in the FILTER field. For example to search for all documents with tag containing the text settings use the query {tag: /settings/}.


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