
To perform measurements several tools are available.

Scan functions

For basic scanning the following functions are available:

qtt.measurements.scans.scan1D(station, scanjob) Simple 1D scan.
qtt.measurements.scans.scan2D(station, scanjob) Make a 2D scan and create dictionary to store on disk.
qtt.measurements.scans.scan2Dfast(station, …) Make a 2D scan and create qcodes dataset to store on disk.
qtt.measurements.scans.scan2Dturbo(station, …) Perform a very fast 2d scan by varying two physical gates with the AWG.

For more advanced measurements, write your own data acquisition loop.

Plotting data

For plotting a qcodes.DataSet one can use, …) Plot a dataset to matplotlib figure window

To automatically copy a plotted figure to PowerPoint one can add a button: Create a callback on a matplotlib figure to copy data to PowerPoint slide.

Parameter viewer

The ParameterViewer widget allow to view and set numeric parameters of instruments. To start the ParameterViewer pass the instruments to be monitored as the first argument.

parameter_viewer = qtt.gui.parameterviewer.ParameterViewer([gates, keithley1], start_timer=True)
parameter_viewer.setGeometry(100,100, 400, 800)
qtt.gui.parameterviewer.ParameterViewer(…) Simple class to show qcodes parameters
ParameterViewer widget

ParameterViewer widget


The videomode tool can create fast charge stability diagrams using a 1D or 2D sawtooth wave. For more information see the code or the example notebooks.

qtt.measurements.videomode.VideoMode(station) Controls the videomode tool.

Data browser

The data browser can be used to inspect recorded data.

DataViewer widget

DataViewer widget

Live plotting

Live plotting is done using a qcodes.QtPlot window. The window can be setup with:

qtt.gui.live_plotting.setupMeasurementWindows([…]) Create liveplot window and parameter widget (optional)

Named gates

The VirtualDAC object can translate gate names into the proper channels of a DAC (or multiple DACs). This is convenient because gate names are easier to work with than a number. Also when a device is controlled with multiple DACs.

qtt.instrument_drivers.gates.VirtualDAC(…) This class maps the dacs of IVVI(‘s) to named gates.

Measurement control

A simple GUI to abort running measurements without interfering with the instrument communication.

qtt.gui.live_plotting.MeasurementControl([…]) Simple control for running measurements
Measurement control widget

Measurement control widget

Virtual gates

qtt.instrument_drivers.virtual_gates.virtual_gates(…) A virtual gate instrument to control linear combinations of gates.

Storing the system state

To store the system state one can store the station.snapshot(). In order to restore the state, it is often sufficient for spin-qubits to restore the DAC values. Save current state of the system to disk[tag, …]) Load state of the system from disk[verbose]) List available states of the system

For example:

import qtt.simulation.virtual_dot_array
station = qtt.simulation.virtual_dot_array.initialize(reinit=True, nr_dots=2, maxelectrons=2, verbose=0)

tag = save_state(station, virtual_gates = None)
# do some work
r = load_state(station=station, tag=tag, verbose=1)

Copying data to Powerpoint

To copy a dataset or a figure window to Powerpoint, including the scan metadata one can use: